Real estate roof inspections

Daddario Roofing Company specializes in Real Estate Roof Inspections. We work with Real Estate agents to provide a comprehensive Roof Inspection Report which includes: a DESCRIPTION of the roof, FINDINGS (work recommended), RECOMMENDATIONS (a price to do recommended work and any applicable warranty information), and LIFE EXPECTANCY. We have been performing Real Estate Roof Inspections and worked with hundreds of agents for over 4 decades!

We strive to accommodate Agents’ requests with scheduling Roof Inspections. The prepared Roof Inspection Report is typically e-mailed the following business day. If the work is authorized, Daddario Roofing will schedule the repairs for the soonest available date (weather permitting). We will complete the work and can issue a “Notice of Completion” and “Leak Free Warranty” if applicable. Billing will be sent to the appropriate parties.

Most Inspections are $300.00 if paid at time of Inspection.  

See below for exceptions:

Please note:  There may be an additional charge for multiple structures. The above prices are good in Santa Clara County as far north as Milpitas in the east bay, or Los Altos and Mountain View on the west side of the bay.  There is an additional charge to go north of these locations.  The prices above also apply for Santa Cruz County.  There is generally an additional charge to go into mountain areas of both counties.  Thank you.

Request a Residential Roof Inspection Now! You can also call us at (831) 476-9109 to schedule your inspection.

schedule a roof inspection